If you have a habit of drinking water frequently while eating, be careful! These problems may be encountered

If you have a habit of drinking water frequently while eating, be careful! These problems may be encountered

 If you have a habit of drinking water frequently while eating, be careful! These problems may be encountered

Water is very important for our body and health. Drinking enough water keeps the body hydrated and also protects against many diseases. Doctors also advise drinking sufficient amount of water to stay healthy. However, drinking water incorrectly many times can also harm health. Many people have a habit of drinking water while eating or immediately before or after it.

Drinking water like this can cause a person some problems. If you too are addicted to the habit, know about the harm it causes

Insulin levels may increase

There is a hormone called insulin in the body. It is released by the pancreas. Insulin plays an important role in the flow of sugar in the body. Again, drinking water during or immediately after a meal increases the chance of insulin levels rising, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes. So it would be better to avoid drinking water like this.

Acid reflux may be a problem

Drinking water while eating can also cause acid reflux problems. As per common parlance, drinking water while eating can increase the amount of stomach acid. Sometimes sour belching occurs. This condition is called acid reflux. Not only this, drinking water while eating can also cause chest irritation.

સરકારી માઘ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શાળાના શિક્ષકો માટે 9 વર્ષના પ્રથમ ઉચ્ચતર માટે પરીપત્ર

May increase weight

Drinking water along with food can also make you prone to obesity. In fact, drinking water during meals affects digestion. In such a condition, food is not digested properly, due to which glucose formed from undigested food turns into obesity. In such a situation, drinking water with food not only increases the sugar in your body, but can also increase your weight.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો

Nutrient deficiency

If you are in the habit of drinking water with food, it can also lead to nutritional deficiency in your body. Actually, the job of our digestive system is to absorb the nutrients in the food, but drinking water while eating hinders this process, due to which the nutrients do not reach your body properly.

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